All dolphins, porpoises, and whales belong to the order Cetacea.所有海豚,海豚和鲸属于海豚秩序. They are often called cetaceans.他们通常被称为鲸类. Scientists group most dolphins (31 species) in the family Delphinidae , part of the suborder Odontoceti, or toothed whales.大多数科学家小组海豚(31种)在家庭delphinidae,一部分隶属齿或齿鲸. Delphinids include such well known dolphins as bottlenose dolphins and common dolphins as well as killer whales and pilot whales.delphinids包括著名海豚、瓶鼻海豚常见的虎鲸和海豚以及飞行员鲸.
Another cetacean family, Plantanistidae , contains the river dolphins: small-eyed, long-snouted dolphins that live in fresh water.另一鲸类家庭plantanistidae,载河海豚:小眼睛,长住在淡水snouted海豚. Porpoises belong to their own family, Phocoenidae.海豚属于自己的家庭,phocoenidae. Porpoises are different than dolphins.海豚海豚不同. They have shorter snouts, trangular tops fin, and spade-shped teeth.他们有短秃、肋trangular均居、铲-shped牙齿. This fact sheet focuses on dolphins in the family Delphinidae .针对这种情况表delphinidae海豚在家庭.
Streamlined bodies slip through the water.通过精简机构滑水.
A dolphin has streamlined body parts that help it swim easily through the water.海豚有利于精简机构,这部分水游容易通过. The dorsal fin , located on the center of its back, is made of dense fibrous connective tissue - there is no bone inside.在背鳍位于市中心的背部致密结缔组织纤维制成--毫无骨内. The dorsal fin acts as a keel, giving the dolphin some stability as it swims.作为龙骨的背鳍,因为它使一些稳定海豚游泳.
Each lobe of a dolphin's tail is called a fluke .每叶海豚尾巴叫侥幸. Like the dorsal fin, flukes have no bone or muscle inside.像背鳍、尾鳍没有骨骼或肌肉内. A dolphin uses the powerful muscles along its back and tail stalk to move its flukes up and down.海豚利用其强大的肌肉沿茎将其背部和尾巴高举忽下. This motion moves the dolphin forward through the water.这项议案通过水动作海豚前进.
As it swims, a dolphin uses its pectoral flippers to steer and, with the help of the flukes, to stop.它游泳,海豚的胸肌蛙鞋引导和利用,借助了血吸虫,停止. Pectoral flippers are a dolphin's forelimbs.胸肌蛙鞋都是海豚的前肢. If you looked at an X-ray picture of a dolphin's pectoral flipper, you would see what looks like finger bones!如果你看过X光照片,海豚的胸肌载重,你会看到什么样子手指骨! Dolphins have no hind limbs, only ver small hip bones buried deep in the pelvic muscle and tissue.海豚没有后肢,只有小VER的髋骨深藏在骨盆肌肉和组织.
A dolphin breathes through a single blowhole , located on top of its head.海豚呼吸透过单一气孔,位于头顶部. A muscular flap covers the blowhole, making a watertight seal when dolphins dive.一肌皮瓣复盖气孔,使止水当海豚下潜. To take a breath, dolphins contract the muscular flap.采取呼气海豚合同肌肉瓣. When dolphins relax the muscles, the flap stays tightly closed.当海豚的肌肉放松,紧闭瓣停留.
Dolphins live in all oceans.海豚生活在海洋所有.
Dolphins live in all oceans of the world.海豚生活在世界各大洋的. While some inhabit one particular geographical area of an ocean, others like killer whales are found worldwide.虽然有些占据一个特定地理范围大海象虎鲸发现别人的注目. Coastal, or inshore, dolphins live close to land and are often seen by people on beaches and boats.沿海、近海或海豚贴近生活,往往人们看到的土地及沙滩及船只. Oceanic, or offshore, dolphins live farther out at sea.海洋或近海,活越海豚出海. Many dolphins have a homerange, an area where they tend to stay.海豚有许多homerange,地方往往停留.
Some dolphins, like these Commerson's dolphins, swim in shallow coastal waters.有的海豚喜欢这些commerson的海豚游在浅水海域.
Fish is a common catch.鱼是一种常见的渔获.
All dolphins are carnivores , or meat eaters.海豚是所有食肉,或吃猪肉. Many eat fishes and squids, while some, like killer whales, also catch seals, sea lions, walruses, and other dolphins.许多鱼类和鱿鱼吃,有的象虎鲸也捕捉海豹、海狮、walruses、海豚等. A dolphin grasps and tears food with its cone-shaped teeth.海豚把握泪水食品以其锥形牙齿. All dolphins swallow their food whole or in large chunks.所有的食物全部或海豚吞大块.
Although they sometimes feed by themselves, dolphins most often hunt in groups.尽管他们自己有时候饲料,海豚最常狩猎团体. Dolphins that live in the open ocean may swim in tight circles around a school of fish and take turns dashing in to catch a bite to eat.海豚生活在海洋五月开放游泳学校周围严密界鱼轮流泰山在钓咬吃. Closer to shore, a group of dolphins often herds fish into shallow water, keeping them trapped while group members feed.靠近岸边,一群群海豚常到浅水鱼类,使他们被困在团员饲料.
Social dolphins stick together.坚持社会海豚一起.
Dolphins live and travel in groups called pods, often family groups.海豚生活和旅行团体称为荚,往往家族集团. In some species, individual dolphins enter and leave the pod over time.在一些物种,个体海豚出入荚果时日. But others, like killer whales, have a stable group.但也有人像虎鲸,有稳定组. Sometimes, several pods may join together to form a temporary herd.有时,几个荚可参加聚成一暂时性畜群. Several hundred individuals have been seen traveling in a single herd.数百人被排成一看到畜群.
These social mammals commuicate by squeaking, grunting, trilling, and moaning.这些社会的哺乳动物commuicate蛩、绉、锰矿、批评. They also send messages through body language by leaping, breaching , smacking their tails against the water, butting heads, and jaw-snapping.他们还通过肢体语言传递讯息的跨越,违,反勾结摇尾乞怜水、核四、而照响. Within each pod, some dolphins are more dominant than others.每个吊舱,一些海豚比别人更优势.
Natural predators pursue dolphins.天敌追求海豚.
Sharks are a dolphin's main predator.鲨鱼是海豚的主要捕食者. Dolphin remains are often found in the stomachs of tiger sharks, dusky sharks and bull sharks.海豚依然经常出现胃老虎鲨鱼公牛鲨、斑纹鲨. On occasion, killer whales may feed on some species of dolphins.有时,一些饲料五月虎鲸豚种类.
Human activities can harm dolphins.人类活动可能伤害海豚.
In some parts of the world, humans hunt certain types of dolphins for food.在世界一些地方,某些种类的海豚为人类狩猎的食物. Yet even where they're not hunted, dolphins are threatened by some human activities.但即使他们不是如此,一些人类活动而受到威胁的海豚.
Toxic chemicals that pollute nearshore waters may contaminate the fish on which dolphins feed.有毒化学品污染近岸海域污染的鱼而五月海豚饲料. Scientists believe these chemicals might affect the health of dolphins and cause tumors.科学家们相信,这些化学品可能影响健康、事业海豚肿瘤. Pollution may have contributed to the deaths of dolphins that have washed up on beaches in recent years.污染可能导致死亡的海豚冲上海滩,近年
In the eastern tropical Pacific ocean, tuna travel under dolphin pods.在东部热带太平洋鲔下海豚荚旅行. When tuna fishermen set their nets around the dolphins to catch the tuna, the dolphins are trapped too.当金枪鱼渔民定网捕金枪鱼约海豚,海豚被困. To help save dolphins, many tuna fishermen now use special nets and techniques to release the dolphins.挽救海豚,现在很多渔民利用特殊网金枪鱼和技巧释放海豚. From 1972 to 1994, dolphin deaths from purse seine fishing in the eastern tropical Pacific dropped more than 99%, from 423,678 to 4,095 individuals.从1972年至1994年,死于围网捕捞海豚在东部热带太平洋下降99%以上,从4095到423678人.
A more deadly type of fishing is done with gill nets.更可怕的,是用刺网捕鱼. These nets stretch for miles across the ocean and extend deep under water.绵延十英里的外籍教师和海洋水深延伸. Once the fishermen have set the nets, they leave and return a few days later to haul them in. They remove the fish they were hoping to catch and discard all other animals that have died in the nets.一旦确定渔民网他们离开,回到了几天来牵引他们进来,他们希望能撤销他们的鱼捕捉并抛弃所有其他动物都死在了网. Thousands of dolphins and other marine creatures drown in these huge nets each year.成千上万的海豚和其他海洋生物,在这些巨额网每年溺死.
有一种自己还是高中生Sydney-A鲨鱼猛烈抨击的腿在他和他的父亲在冲浪海滩在悉尼年2月23日。这是第三个鲨鱼攻击沿岸的澳大利亚最大的城市在一个月。15岁的男孩和他的父亲在水放掉,在悉尼北部的阿瓦隆的海滩,在破晓当他被袭击。这个城市的海滩都挤满了当地居民和旅游者,在夏季的几个月。”父亲听到了一声尖叫,一转身,看见他的儿子(激烈扭动谬论)在水中,”警察说,“幸运的是,这条鲨鱼游开,这个男孩被帮助到岸边被他的父亲。”尼克米勒救生俱乐部发言人说,“但还是给他带来了顶部周围左腿和父亲来了,把他拖出去的水。”他说这个男孩被大量出血当他被带到岸边。“有很多痛苦,只要你能想象。”孩子被送往医院治疗腿伤。警方说,“切断伤骨”,但是这个男孩没有应用程序听来维持任何骨折(骨折).现在是在一个稳定的状态。几个海滩袭击后被关闭。水警察和救生员正在寻找鲨鱼,警方则希望确定它的物种形成的咬痕。但是他们说它太早说什么类型的鲨鱼袭击了这孩子。”我甚至不知道他是否看见,”米勒说。很多鲨鱼动物生活在水域的海滩,但悉尼袭击人类仍然比较少见。然而,有两个袭击连续几天内本月早些时候,一个在海军潜水员在悉尼海港,离著名的歌剧院,另一个因素是访问者在城市的世界邦迪海滩。渔民说鲨鱼数量正在上升。有一项禁令,禁止在港口,商业捕鱼的鱼类资源的增加。海产专家还声称环保已经创造了一个清洁的环境,吸引鲨鱼靠近岸边就像它们追逐的鱼。很多鲨鱼的物种,包括大White-the man-eaters
本文概览:网上科普有关“海豚的介绍”话题很是火热,小编也是针对海豚的介绍寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。海豚属于鲸秩序. All...